We spent Day 3 of SMX West diving deep into Mobile SEO and Bing Ads, two areas that we believe are crucial to winning at Local. Check out our notes and takeaways from these two select sessions.
1. "Things You don't Know About Mobile SEO but Should" with Mitul Gandhi (@seoclarity), Gary Illyes (@methode), and Bryson Meuier (@brysonmeunier).
Key takeaways for this session:
- The importance of implementing strategies to ensure that your website is mobile friendly. Gary Illyes gave the audience the formula for a mobile friendly website:
Available Data + Legible Data + Usable Data = Mobile Friendly.
- The new Google search algorithm updates will be released on April 21st, and will use mobile-friendly sites as a ranking signal. This will be the first time Google has officially pre-announced an algorithimic release with a particular date, something brands, especially multi-location brands should take note of.
- Should a website have responsive design for mobile devices or implement M.dot? Panelists determined that incorporating a website with M.dot was not necessary. Creating a website with responsive design includes everything already visible on your desktop with no hassle.
2. "Boosting Reach & Performance with Bing Ads" with John Gagnon (@jmgagnon), Jeremy Hull (@JeremyHull), and Christi Olson (@christijolson).
Key takeaways from this session:
- Why should brands use Bing?
- Time Zones- "It's important to know how time zones are related to your campaigns, the data available for reports, and to the date range you select for your reports.The time zone for your campaign (which you select when create it) is usually the time zone that your business is located in. However, it doesn't have to be. For example, if your business location is Paris, France, but you want to target a campaign for the Washington, D.C. metro area, you can select GMT-05:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada) for the campaign time zone. Once you set a campaign time zone, you can't change it. You can create a new campaign with a different time zone, and then import your current ads and keywords into the new campaign."
- Location Targeting- Location Targeting in Bing Ads lets you decide on geographies that best match your desired coverage area. With a range of tools to fine-tune your focus, you can target your top audience by specific geographic location, from zip codes and cities to states, countries and more.
- 71 Character Description- Why is this a big deal? This additional character allows a lot more freedom in Bing for content description. When incorporating the content description from Google AdWords (2 lines with 35 characters each) you are now able to add an additional symbol to you ads copy.
- Campaign budgets can be set daily or monthly for pacing ad spending recommendations.
- The Bing/Yahoo alliance commands 30% of the US search advertising.
- Different consumers use the Bing/Yahoo network that are not searching on Goolge
- Your brand might not be on Bing Ads, but your competition is.
Our team had a great time exhibiting and attending SMX West so far, and can't wait to hear the final keynotes tomorrow. Keep up with us live on twitter on @Where2GetIt and comment down below with your thoughts and insights on today's session recap!