How Local SEO Experts can Use Twitter’s New Tools in Their Marketing Mix

Amber Kazalbash | Oct 29, 2015 11:12:00 AM

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The evolving landscape of social media serves as a magnifying glass for marketers to observe and react to ongoing trends in consumer behavior. With that being said, it’s no surprise  the newest social trends of hyper-personalization, mobile and localization are culminating and changing the way social networks connect with users. In this blog post, we’ll explain the three newest ways that Twitter specifically has begun to grow user adoption rates while creating a new social- local marketing strategy opportunity for brands.

Tweets in Organic Search

Trailing back to August of this year, Google began indexing Tweets within desktop results, displaying real-time sentiment to marketers and consumers alike. This meant that local consumers searching for a particular brand on Google would see comments surrounding the brand’s nearest locations on the side of organic search results. Eventually on both mobile and desktop, Tweets began to show in a carousel in organic search results, proving the value Google has of user conversations on social media.  

The local opportunity for marketers in this partnership is simple---  Twitter is becoming another social channel where each individual location has the potential to show real-time tweets surrounding those locations. Few brands have ventured into hyper-localizing Twitter, but its organic search traffic on desktop has increased 20% since Google started re-indexing. That’s another 5% in the local ranking factor pie that is currently underutilized.

Sponsored Moments

Two weeks ago, we saw another brand-friendly feature take center stage---Moments. This feature presents a collection of curated Tweets, photos and videos centered around a singular event in time. By providing a stronger handle over conversations and user experiences this feature will change the way advertisers create their brand’s presence on Twitter .

Additionally brands are able to sponsor Moments  to give customers stronger brand recognition, appeal to new users, and drive traffic. From a local perspective, this means an advertiser (if they have the budget) could potentially sponsor a stream of Moments for a single location or promotion for their brand’s locations. At this point, the possibilities are up to speculation. But Moments still demonstrates how Twitter is making strides to catch up to its more mature advertising peers like Facebook and Youtube when it comes to promoting local presence.

Social Analytics

With all these new features rolled out one after another, brands who capitalize on the changes will have the opportunity to gain some in-depth Brand Hub Analytics. This centralized point of insights will help brands understand how different audiences converse about the brand in real time.

twitter brand analytics

Image via Twitter

One important component of Brand Hub is the TrueVoice metric,  which measures organic impressions within ad campaigns by displaying a brand’s share of conversation across Twitter. From a purely local perspective, this metric is telling of the power of organic conversations occurring on Twitter and how they can influence local audiences. While the Brand Hub analytics are still in beta, they still show the intent Twitter has to make organic conversation a leverage point for brands.

It’s time to listen to what social networks are doing to connect more closely with users. The real winner is a brand that understands the importance of learning about consumers and actively working to provide value to them. From a platform standpoint, your job is to actively work to engage users and be responsive to users by means of these changes.

Download our Enterprise Mobile-Social Guide to learn how your brand can leverage the power of Social to influence your local audience.

The Enterprise Mobile-Social Guide

Topics: SEO

Amber Kazalbash

Amber Kazalbash

Social Media Specialist at Brandify. Home is where the Wifi is.

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