How Brands Can Use Voice Search to Win Local

Amber Kazalbash | Jul 6, 2017 10:43:32 AM

4 Min Read

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In today’s world, vocal is local. In fact, Mary Meeker confirmed at last month’s Code Conference that with so many users on the go, voice is now beginning to replace typing online search queries. KPCB’s recent Meeker report notes that 20% of mobile queries were made via voice in 2016, while accuracy is now about 95 percent.
At the core of all voice queries is the intent of searchers: to understand proximity to goods, services and brands nearby. Below are three voice channels where brands can win with Local. 

  1. Google Voice Search
    Google recently noted at IO2017 that many major updates were being made to its virtual assistant (including new accessibility to iOS users). We can assume that voice search as the new standard prompted this, showing that the UX expectations of today’s average customer is growing and that AI channels are working to meet these needs. 

    Image via KPCB

    From a search engine perspective, the same can be said for mobile queries on organic search. With a focus on higher word accuracy, channels like Google seek to ingest data that is not only available but optimized to best satisfy queries of local consumers nearby. Whether the search is from a home device or a cell phone, key information like business name, address, phone and categorical information is essential to remaining relevant to these searchers.

  2. Amazon Alexa
    Amazon has become one of the more advanced players in the local voice search game through Alexa-enabled devices. The Meeker report notes that in Q1 of 2017, Echo was installed over 10MM times in the US alone. Echo’s transition from look to show has enabled the device to service users in broader, more locally-based situations than ever before.

    Image v
    ia KPCB

    Amazon’s Chief Echo Evangelist Dave Isbitski stressed the necessity of voice search in a local context at the latest Street Fight Summit.

    Voice fundamentally improves the way that we interact with technology,” Isbitski said. “It doesn’t replace mobile or web, but there’s this expectation that it should be there.”

    Because of this, brands have an obligation to searchers to deliver on their specifically voiced needs through auditory results on their personal assistants and home devices. And with this obligation emerges a whole new set of challenges in ensuring that this channel is consistently updated with relevant data. 

  3. IBM Watson
    With so many devices beginning to utilize and prioritize voice queries, brands need to start considering ways to differentiate using their location data.
    IBM Watson’s Cognitive and AI technology enables brand to connect their location information via API, thereby facilitating ongoing conversations with trusted and brand-owned data as the source. Not only does this type cognitive experimentation with location data indicate a shift towards more personalization when it comes to customer service, it highlights the needs for brands to become more user-centric in order to provide the best customer experience.
    With Brandify Labs, brands can start to ride the next wave of location-based intelligence using IBM Watson and more to make the most out of location data and service customers.

    Click below to learn more about how your brand can innovate Local with Labs. Learn More!

Topics: Voice Search

Amber Kazalbash

Amber Kazalbash

Social Media Specialist at Brandify. Home is where the Wifi is.

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