
Brandify Finance

Maintain trust and visibility with clients, and be present when
it matters most by deploying a holistic digital marketing strategy.


Finance Solution Stack

Branch Pages

Create a web page for every branch location to share important location details, boost your search ranking, and share unique services and offers.

Branch Locator

Make it easy for customers to find you by adding a branch or ATM locator to your website to display valuable location information.

Review Management

Save time and resources by monitoring and responding to all your reviews from various sites within Brandify’s easy-to-use platform.

Listings Management

Maintain accurate and consistent online store listings on Google, Yelp, Bing and more, and increase your brand’s online presence through syndication to hundreds of sites.


Use local data to power targeted, location-based advertising campaigns at scale.

Analytics & Reporting

Location-based analytics that are visual, measurable and actionable, including insights from Google, Facebook, Yelp and more.

How It Works

More than 70% of people have lost trust in brands due to inaccurate local business listings. Ensure brand authority and trust by maintaining your local listing data and spreading your information to all the right places. Brandify will publish your information on more than 250 local listings providers and keep your data accurate and consistent across all of your digital assets.


Seasonal, Unique Content

Include location-specific information and unique content like seasonal rate offers, new customer offers, and more.

Lead Generation

Generate leads by integrating contact request forms, agent and advisor pages, and appointment scheduling.

Single Platform, Tiered Access

One centralized platform houses all information for easy updates across all locations, and includes various levels of access from corporate down to individual branches.

Ready to innovate with Brandify?

Ready to innovate with Brandify?

See how your locations appear online instantly.


What Our Clients Have to Say

“Brandify has been a partner for 8 years and they've helped us with our locations management, keeping our data clean and making sure that our 300,000 locations get pushed out in Google My Business.”


Global Head of Digital Marketing | Moneygram

“We have a huge focus on the customer experience and retail experience, so partnering at Brandify really helped us get that all together and make sure it's a seamless experience for the customer.”


Marketing Specialist | PLS Financial

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